Supporting Private Company Leaders

Caganco Incorporated
Shadow CEO®
Board Director, Entrepreneur & Consultant


Dennis Cagan

Dennis Cagan is a seasoned executive consultant, entrepreneur, board director, technology CEO, and venture investor with an extensive background in creating and growing early to mid-stage technology-based companies. He has served on over seventy for-profit corporate boards, including ten publicly traded companies.
Mr. Cagan would welcome the opportunity to discuss how a progressive midsize to large company, with interest in growth, technology, emerging digital business models and world-class governance, could benefit from his wealth of experience in governance, and high technology, including Internet, social media, SaaS, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and more.


It’s lonely at the top.
Although this is a line from Shakespeare, many CEO’s and company owners echo the sentiment. Whether you’re a new leader at a startup or a seasoned executive, you may face business challenges that you have not previously had to deal with. And, as the leader, you may be surrounded by people who expect you to have all of the answers. Who can you turn to that has dealt with these challenges – problems or opportunities before? Who can you trust for their expertise and discretion?
Enter the Shadow CEO®.
If you need guidance on establishing a company, setting a strategy, growing revenue, building an enterprise, raising capital, or making acquisitions, you’re in the right place. We also provide experienced counsel and access to a vast network for any other issues you may face. Since 1983 CaganCo has worked with the CEOs of multi billion dollar global Fortune 10 enterprises, back-of-the-napkin startups, and everything in between.
CaganCo can work with you side-by-side (hence, the shadow) or just talk through the problems.  This is not simply ‘arms-length’ advice, but rather ‘in-the-trenches’ with you, active counsel, support and even execution. With the Shadow CEO, you’re not alone anymore.

Publications and Articles

The Board of Directors for a Private Enterprise

The Board of Directors of a Private Enterprise (2017) is considered by many to be the most authoritative perspective available on private company boards and governance issues. In addition to his book, Dennis Cagan has written dozens of articles in numerous publications. A small sample of which is noted below.

How to Have a Great Board Meeting

The tone, content, and conduct of this meeting are critical to the level of governance and the ultimate value of having a Board. Yet outside of the board’s inner circle, few people know what typically goes on in one, much less how to organize and effectively conduct a board meeting.

The Last Inch

A White Paper on the New Frontier in Man-Machine Interface 


A primer: the ins and outs of board meetings for
the small and private company


How to get on the Board of Directors of a for-profit company?


A Board of Directors Qualification Matrix

Article: A Mushroom Board

Have you ever been on a “mushroom” board of directors?

 CAGANCO Incorporated

Board of Directors Practice

Dennis J. Cagan's Board Biography

Board of Directors Biography

Leadership Achievements

Board Positions
C-Level Position
0 +
Companies Founded


Our Clients


Dennis is incredibly knowledgeable, and also incredibly responsive towards the issues we have dealt with. Whether it’s management of our corporate board issues, properly understanding bylaw issues, corporate governance issues or stock issuance he is always there for us. 

Cliff Fischer

CEO, Clifford Fischer & Company

He can run a Board meeting with total control, without ever losing his cool or offending others (unless they need offending); he can calm a tense situation; he has a keen sense of humor; …

Bill Stone

Founding Partner, Scheef & Stone, LLP

His long experience has given him truly a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all aspects of the minute details that go into creating a successful enterprise. There have been several times when I did not take his clear advice and I invariably paid a price for not following it.

Steven Abbey

President, SOS Nutrients LLC

… the single best decision I’ve made in my startup was asking Dennis to become (my) mentor and partner … Dennis’ deep wisdom and experience are a fantastic augmentation to any entrepreneur…

Jim O’Flaherty

CEO, QA Locate

It is rare to receive contributions that grow more valuable over time, but that is what we got from him almost immediately.  Dennis delivers wisdom, guidance, and lessons… Over time, having (him) as a sounding board, a mentor, and a trusted resource for figuring out how to do most anything that came our way has truly been a blessing.

Adam Anthony

CEO, Guardian Alliance Holdings, Inc.

The real value we have derived from Dennis’ assistance is the proper formation of our corporate and equity structures providing confidence that the operations will excel forward knowing we have eliminated as much risk as possible.

Mark Hall

CEO, LCAB Holdings, Inc.

Mr. Cagan is able to quickly sift through problems to create solutions and do so in a caring manner while dealing with many different, sometimes big, personality types. His level-headed expert approach is second to none.

Bill Hennessey

CEO, Pratter Inc.

He is particularly good at putting himself in the shoes of the entrepreneur, understanding the challenges of growth, and small company dynamics and advising from his wealth of experience, in that he has served over 70 companies in similar positions. Dennis has a life of experience but continues to have to enthusiasm of a young entrepreneur.

Tom Horgan

CEO, Acorn Technologies, Inc.

Dennis Cagan is the total package!    His generational experiences across multiple industries, company sizes and stages from which he provides recommendations are exemplar.   He has first-hand knowledge of just about every possible scenario at least once.  

Chris McSwain

President/COO & Co-founder, ThinkX, Inc.

Dennis has at various times provided both encouragement and praise. and kind and diplomatic correction – often in the form of a question.  I also have appreciated that he is a man of faith and very high integrity as shown to all. 

Don Jarrell

CEO, Prista Corporation

Dennis really is a Swiss-Army knife of sorts. One of the biggest and often overlooked joys of having someone like Dennis in your corner is his unrivaled humor and straightforward, no-nonsense demeanor when addressing issues big or small.

Aidan Veseling

CEO, HowzBout Inc.

As recipients of Dennis Cagan’s vast knowledge and experience, we must state that we could not have worked through the governance issues and requirements for establishing a corporation without his guidance and counsel. Dennis has guided us through corporate organization, registration, stock issues and ongoing governance requirements and processes

R.W. Peter Hartman II and Vaughn Johns, Jr.

Co-Founders, Protexol Inc.

Dennis has been a wealth of experience… Dennis has wisely guided Think-X through each stage of our journey.  He is always available when needed for a quick coaching call and provides timely and sage advice for our company.

Ted Malley

CEO, Think-X, Inc.

The Board of Directors for a Private Enterprise – A Comprehensive Inside Look at Creating and Managing the Boards of Private Companies of All Types

Esther Howard


The Board of Directors for a Private Enterprise – A Comprehensive Inside Look at Creating and Managing the Boards of Private Companies of All Types

Esther Howard


The Board of Directors for a Private Enterprise – A Comprehensive Inside Look at Creating and Managing the Boards of Private Companies of All Types

Esther Howard


The Board of Directors for a Private Enterprise – A Comprehensive Inside Look at Creating and Managing the Boards of Private Companies of All Types

Esther Howard
