Expert Witness on Corporate Governance
Expert Witness on Corporate Governance
An expert witness is a person with specialized knowledge, skills, education, or experience in a particular field who is called upon to provide their expertise in legal proceedings to assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
A consulting expert is retained by or consults to a party in anticipation of litigation or trial, but who will not testify at trial. A testifying expert, on the other hand, may be used at trial to present evidence.
Mr. Cagan is qualified and has served as both a testifying expert and a consulting expert. His process includes a thorough evaluation of a Company’s governance history and its current status, and then providing testimony contrasting that information with the premise of the litigation.

Areas of examination include:
- Client’s corporate governance best practices, specifically as they apply to privately owned enterprises.
- Client’s corporate structure, applicable regulatory compliance, and best practices as they apply to:
- Form of entity incorporation
- Board of Directors structure, fiduciary duty of care, oversight of Client affairs, best practices for approvals and reviews, and governance documentation.
- Board members, including board composition, individual qualification, diversity, committees, meetings, processes, procedures, and recommended board search matrix.
- Board oversight of strategy, succession, talent, diversity, risk, finance, and business model disruption.
- Contrast the above to stated Client strategy, goals, and performance.
- Report on conclusions in accord with Company requested standards and format.
- Research, investigation, and conclusions will be based on examination of all relevant Client documents, and individual interviews with Client board members and senior client management.
- Any other research, opinions, reports, memorandums, or conversations as requested by the Company or its Client.
Contact Caganco Incorporated in confidence for additional information.