Interim Executive Assignments
Interim Executive Assignments
Since 1987 Dennis Cagan has taken a number of interim or temporary C-level Executive assignments. Often already sitting on the company’s board of directors, he has been called on in emergencies or opportunities to step into active senior management as a C-level executive.
Past interim positions include CEO, COO, President, and Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Strategy (CSO), and even once as head of Human Resources.
These assignments have lasted for as little as ninety days (Message Media, a public company controlled by SoftBank, as CEO transitioning to Chief Strategy Officer), and for as long as four years (Century Computer Marketing, SVP Sales & Marketing). At the end of most assignments, Dennis remained on the board.
Examples of situations requiring Dennis have included substantial insolvency and imminent bankruptcy (TWL Corporation: TWLO.OB), a desire to sell a profitable company for substantially more than the current market value (Century Computer Marketing), the necessity of integrating several acquisitions into a public company (StarPress), an underperforming President and the desire to relocate the company and integrate two acquisitions (Message Media), the desire for the company to enter new and larger markets (Design1), and the need to rapidly scale a newly formed company after a large capital infusion (
Dennis’ interim executive assignments have always resulted directly from referrals within his extensive international network of contacts, having done business in 35 different countries. One example of his depth of contacts is the fact that his LinkedIn profile was the 10,000th (out of over 1 billion current users), dating to July 2003